In society's Revelation book chapter 29 verse 10 on page 201 states the 24 elders are 144,000 and all are singing the same song, how can that be? In their bible the only ones that can master that song is the 144,000. Not the four living creatures nor the elders. This 144,000 group is standing before the 24 elders. If the 24 elders were to know it also, then it would be 168,000 that knew the song. What's up with that or am I missing some marbles? I don't know if this has been posted before but if it has can I have a refund on this posting since it's my last post?
label licker
JoinedPosts by label licker
Revelation 14:3 Who sings the new song???????
by label licker inin society's revelation book chapter 29 verse 10 on page 201 states the 24 elders are 144,000 and all are singing the same song, how can that be?
in their bible the only ones that can master that song is the 144,000. not the four living creatures nor the elders.
this 144,000 group is standing before the 24 elders.
Review of Memorial Talk
by pixel inthis is my personal review of the memorial talk for this year.
take into account that this is a new "outline".
i put "outline" in quotes because.
label licker
I can see why after harmegedon no more memeorial of Yeshua. It's just a thought I drew from study of the scriptures which society seems to not want to review and that's scriptures like Leviticus 23:2 where Yehovah is saying to keep HIS feasts and 2 Chronicles 2:4 FOREVER to the nation of Israel. What does forever mean? Zechariah 14:16-19 is an endtime prophecy. This is at the second coming of the Messiah when he comes down on the Mount of Olives and splits it into two. He's just finished destroying the nations and is now setting up the new Jeruselum. We have the nations celebrateing the feasts of booths (ingathering) in the millinial reign of the Messiah penetrating the veil of the new covenant.The forshadow was when they had come out of Egypt. Ask any JW to study up on the feasts and festivals, sabbaths ect,,, and they have no clue for they will say it was all done away with and they don't have to study it. But if you want to understand the advents of Christ, then you have to understand at least a basic understanding of the feast days. Even he kept them and after you see Mary and even ten years later Paul going up to Jeruselum to keep even the sabbaths. Society ignores all this and even takes out a whole sentence in the book of Acts 18:21 amongst other scriptures to suit their doctrines. As far as the 144,000 go; I believe that Jesus will do the chooseing at that time 1 Corinthians 4:5 and not leave up to individuals to self elect themselves especially when they are imperfect and supposedly a mix bag of nuts according to the GB.What an insult!!!!
Has anyone ever been asked by an elder if your putting donations in the boxes
by label licker ini was in the truth for two years and an elder approached me and said i couldn't get anymore literature until he spoke to me about something so six weeks went by and then i confronted him aa to when that meeting would be for i had a study that was waiting for her bt book.
he said he wasn't finished gathering his information but that it would be soon so i waited.
and i waited.
label licker
He was the same elder that had called a "special meeting" with another elder one evening. It also lasted three hours. Telling my husband and I that if we want to pioneer we'll be the first ones society will call to dig sewers up ect. We had called another elder to sit in on this meeting which he did and he was discusted, even rolling his eyes up to the ceiling shaking his head but we kept quiet and just kept saying yes yes yes so we could pioneer. Little did we know there was an elders wife and her son who had decided to pioneer that same time and the elders wanted them to be the lime light of the hall. That elders wife was the one I had stopped studying with due to her and her husbands drinking bouts.
It's funny when I look back for there was an elders daughter who wanted to pioneer and she went into a room with her daddy(elder) and his best friend (PO) and she was only in that room for FIVE MINUTES and came out laughing and all happy. She got to pioneer. I came out balling. Now I would have no problem telling that short baldheaded jerk off It's no wonder the CO told us we could leave that hall and to get out as soon as we could and that we could still pioneer, work at the bethel and still be literature servant but couldn't have a label because we now were living outside of the territory. We didn't want the label and we told them that. We didn't want to be known as one of these label lickers who think they are better than the underlings. (I think that's the uneducated word I read for publisher) As soon as we saw the class distinctions amongst the label lickers, that's when we took a step aside and were proud to be publishers and treated like crap. Sorry I went off key but needed to vent. Hate people who think they can treat people like dying dogs!
Has anyone ever been asked by an elder if your putting donations in the boxes
by label licker ini was in the truth for two years and an elder approached me and said i couldn't get anymore literature until he spoke to me about something so six weeks went by and then i confronted him aa to when that meeting would be for i had a study that was waiting for her bt book.
he said he wasn't finished gathering his information but that it would be soon so i waited.
and i waited.
label licker
I was in the truth for two years and an elder approached me and said I couldn't get anymore literature until he spoke to me about something so six weeks went by and then I confronted him aa to when that meeting would be for I had a study that was waiting for her BT book. He said he wasn't finished gathering his information but that it would be soon so I waited. And I waited. Eventually I drove to bethel to pick up what I needed. Then, one night after the meeting he took me aside and asked if I was making donations for he has never seen someone place the amount of literature that I did. It was really weird for he repeated what the km had stated that same evening and he kept me there at the hall while hubby was sitting out in the parking lot for THREE STINKIN HOURS. He was a real control freak. Just wondering if they have that right to withhold your literature from you and keep you at the hall for that long with just me and him and his busybody wife??????????????????????
by Mary inalbuquerque, n.m. - authorities in new mexico have arrested a 15 year old boy who shot and killed his parents and siblings.
i heard on the news this morning that the little bastard admitted that he had also planned on going to an open place (like a mall or school perhaps?
) and opening up fire on everyone there too.
label licker
If your a farmer with livestock, cow/calf operation, you need guns. I can't count how many times we're going through the bush and had an injured animal or a rabbied coon, fox or just a sick animal. There's nothing wrong with skeet shooting either. It's not the guns but the people who have them. Just a thought, but I feel if a person has been diagnosed with a medical problem like emotional or mental, than why would you give him or her a license to operate a firearm? The worse offenders they should go after are the city foreigners who come from big cities out to the country and tell you that it's free land or they give you a paper with the homeowners signature on it and say they have permission to hunt on your property. That was a lie. Or you go to the back of the bush and two hunters are confronted and the one shoves my husband and when he shoved back the other hunter steps out from behind a tree and cocks his gun and aims it right at him. The one year we had hunters rip our mailbox off its post, they threw a dead fox on the front lawn and ripped all our survey sticks out of the ground. We had just paid $1200.00 to have the land surveyed. All because I called the cops on them. The neighbor had been punched to the ground and his hunting buddy shot a bullet right into the ground next to his head and there were a bunch of empty liqour bottles thrown out of the van when they took off. These city slickers are by far the worse and I haven't met one that can speak english well.
How Long has it Been since you Last Attended Meetings and What Caused...
by flipper in..... you to stop attending ?
injustices ?
disagree with the teachings ?
label licker
Saw too much politics. It's not what you know but who you know. Favoritisim, elders covering over wrongdoings. Everything we didn't see in the world we saw it all in the congregations. Then add on the lonliness if you didn't go along with their garbage, bad business dealings and then we came across this board. What and eye opener and thankyou everyone! I hope society is reading this for if they would stop sweepinig everything wicked under the carpet, then we wouldn't start to question why is this happening and from there it was getting easier to doubt the doctrines as well. Finally we asked ourselves why does society always say change is good. It shows that the fds are willing to make changes to their doctrines to keep up with Jehovah's purpose, so they say. To us JW's are no different than all the other religions out there for they are roving the earth trying to find that abundance of knowledge as well. That's why they keep changeing things. 1Corinthians 4:5 says it's not until Jesus comes again and brings the secret things of darkness to light. Until then, I will wait on him.
How long did it take you to prepare for talks or parts in the KM school?
by OneDayillBeFree inseveral years ago, whenever i got a talk slip i would get really nervous but accept it and work on it almost immediately.
of course that was way back when i still believed it all.. now they gave me a #3 talk out of the blue about a month ago and i had forgotten all about it till the meeting night.
i really thought about not showing up at all but at the last minute, i decided to go.. so when i got there the meeting had already started and so i just stayed in the back looked at the info, found 2 scriptures and then without any notes i went up and gave the stupid talk!.
label licker
On the last night we were there, fifteen minutes before we leave the house my husband is on the internet looking up information on the sabbath according to 119 ministries, Jim Staley ect,,, put his talk together and gave it on the night of the CO visit in front of the CO and congregation. Walked off the stage and handed his hall key over to an elder and told him to find someone else for the literature counter. Brothers and sisters were coming up to him saying how he did an awesome job and yet the material info came from other religous sources.
What Status are you? Ex JW, Inactive, elder, MS...etc
by enigma1863 ini am technically inactive.
i was just curious if there are many people on the inside.
are there any within bethel itself?
label licker
Inactive for eight months now. No shepherding calls. Didn't miss any meetings and average hours per month in service was around forty to fifty. Still waiting for elders to call me for my hours. We didn't fade. We were luking here for a year and thought there is noway we will fade. We'll just stop going all together and noone has come to see us and that's just fine with us. We will never go back ever ever ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by DATA-DOG inhas anyone else recieved the letter from the gb about international conventions in 2014?
according to the letter the missionarys/order of full time servants desperately need to get to the conventions in their homeland.
so to accomplish this, jehovah needs 15 cents per publisher, per congregation for some months ( sorry i can't remember the exact length of time ).
label licker
Before we left, we had an elder who always made sure there was a white envelope on the literature counter for when his missionary friends came (every two years). I picked it up one evening and asked if someone had lost their envelope for it was thick with money and my husband said it was for the congregation to put money in it for the missionaries that were visiting. The elder was a fill-in circuit overseer who told me it was to help them out when they are here even though they stay at their parents and friends places. At pioneer school the circuit overseer told us not to be a burden to anyone for we chose this career and it's up to us to take care of ourselves and to always pay our own way. Yet, whenever they came to our hall they would get gifts and little white envelopes thrown at them.
I remember a couple from our pioneer class who became missionaries right after that were telling us how they live extremely well. They have their own well while the village still has to go a long walking ways to fetch their water. They have all their food flown in for there's noway they could eat what the locals ate which was mush. They were warned by society to never let the locals see how they really lived so none of them were allowed up in their rooms to see their dishwashers, washer and dryers, airconditioners ect,,, They even said how bad they felt when the local brothers and sisters had gone weeks without water and they couldn't share any of theirs with them. That made me sick! And the society wants the publishers to pay for them to go to an assembly??????It's just another money grab!
This just new: Thirty-hour quota for auxiliary pioneering (letter)
by pixel ini just wanna post post this.
to all congregations.
re: thirty-hour quota for auxiliary pioneering.
label licker
We found this the most sickening time of the year. This is when the elders wives drag a huge board to the front of the hall and put little cut-out paper dolls on the board with individuals names on them. Then the idiot wives will stand before and after the meeting flogging their arms in the air and making a big scene infront of the board to try and get others to sign up. When we saw our names up on the board my husband went and tore it off the board and threw it in the garbage and then told the idiots to read Daniel 9:18,19. They even had the paper dolls in different colours to show who was a pioneer, aux, ect... The year before that the cobe asked us why we didn't want our names on the board and we said we don't like practiseing our rightousness before men. He went beat red and this was when the stupid paper dolls didn't have names on them. Last year they had names on them. Who knows, this year they probably won't even put the stupid board up now that we're not there. We weren't the only ones that were complaining about it. And one of the elders wives belonged to a fill in circuit overseer. The funny thing is the one year we had a circuit over visit and they didn't put the board up that year. Yeah, and they call this a volunteer organisation.